30 research outputs found

    Leadership capability of team leaders in construction industry

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    This research was conducted to identify the important leadership capabilities for Malaysia construction industry team leaders. This research used exploratory sequential mix-method research design which is qualitative followed by quantitative research method. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured in-depth interview was selected and purposive sampling was employed in selecting 15 research participants involving team leaders and Human Resource Managers. Qualitative data was analysed using content and thematic analyses. Quantitative data was collected using survey questionnaire involving 171 randomly selected team leaders as respondents. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics consisting of t-test, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson Correlation, Multiple Regression and Structured Equation Modeling (SEM). This study found that personal integrity, working within industry, customer focus and quality, communication and interpersonal skill, developing and empowering people and working as a team were needed leadership capabilities among construction industry team leaders. The research was also able to prove that leadership skill is a key element to develop leadership capability. A framework was developed based on the results of this study, which can be used as a guide by employers and relevant agencies in enhancing leadership capability of Malaysia construction industry team leade

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian pelajar dalam matematik di FPTV UTHM

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    Kajian dalam pendidikan Matematik di Malaysia boleh dikatakan semakin berkembang seiring dengan kemajuan dan perubahan zaman. Pelbagai pihak telah mula sedar tentang peranan dan kepentingan Matematik dalam merealisasikan impian negara untuk menjadi sebuah negara perindustrian yang maju pada masa akan datang. Matematik sememangnya menjadi penggerak kepada pembangunan dan perkembangan bidang sains dan teknologi. Oleh itu, penguasaan ilmu Matematik perlu dipertingkatkan lagi dari semasa ke semasa bagi melahirkan tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan perkembangan dan keperluan untuk membentuk sebuah negara maju menjelang tahun 2020. Namun, kebanyakkan daripada para pelajar, sama ada pelajar sekolah rendah, menengah ataupun peringkat universiti tidak meminati mata pelajaran Matematik. Matematik seringkali di anggap sebagai suatu mata pelajaran yang tidak menarik, susah dan berasa takut semasa mempelajari Matematik serta persepsi negatif yang lain (Azizi, 2005)


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    Gaya hidup sihat adalah aktiviti yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengekalkan, merawat dan memastikan tubuh badan sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat dan mampu untuk melakukan sebarang aktiviti dengan selesa. Pengetahuan tentang amalan gaya hidup sihat penting untuk mewujudkan kesedaran untuk mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat demi mengekalkan kesihatan. Gaya hidup sihat bukan sahaja mengenai gaya pemakanan, malah ia melibatkan pelbagai aspek seperti waktu tidur dan rehat, bersukan dan beriadah, penyalahgunaan dadah dan alkohol serta pergaulan bebas.Kaedah yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah tinjaun berbentuk deskriptif menggunakan borang soal selidik untuk meninjuan tahap gaya hidup sihat yang diamalkan oleh pelajar UTHM.Sampel kajian adalah seramai 300 orang yang dipilih secara rawak dan data yang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS 22.0. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa amalan gaya hidup sihat pelajar berada pada tahap yang tinggi meliputi aspek pengetahuan dan kesedaran manakala tahap yang paling rendah adalah aspek pemakanan. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pelajar UTHM mempunyai tahap pengetahuan dan kesedaran yang tinggi namun pengamalan gaya hidup sihat kurang titikiberatkan terutamanya dari aspek pemakanan


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    Coaching is a one of the methods to guide employees in improving performance and assisting employees in identifying employee’s talent in an organization. Workers can highlight talent in the field of exploration through coaching. From previous studies, coaching was found to support development of employee’s performance. Nevertheless, some coaching programs are not well received and less effective in improving employee’s performance. As such, a study was conducted to identify and evaluate the factors of the effectiveness of coaching implementation on employee performance in organization. The quantitative method was applied to conduct this study and used descriptive and inferential study. Questionnaire were distributed to 138 staff of Politeknik Melaka, Melaka. Data collected were analyzed using Spearman Rho, One-way ANOVA and T-test. The result implied that there are three factors affected coaching on working performance consist of worker, coach and organization. Organization is the dominant factors which is affect the most of the coaching. This study expressed that coaching implementation provides the positive impact to the employees after the program. They thought that coaching program will help them to improve their working quality and recognizes the talent and skills in themselves

    Aplikasi M-pembelajaran dalam kalangan pelajar politeknik

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    Pembangunan dan kemajuan teknologi mudah alih berkembang pesat setelah teknologi ini diterapkan dalam sistem pendidikan di Malaysia. M-pembelajaran adalah pendekatan pembelajaran yang menentukan penguasaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran melalui teknologi mudah alih. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengkaji tahap penggunaan m-pembelajaran dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran, faktor-faktor yang penggunaan m-pembelajaran serta sikap pelajar terhadap penggunaan m-pembelajaran ini dalam kalangan pelajar politeknik. Kajian ini berbentuk tinjauan secara deskriptif dan melibatkan seramai 322 sampel pelajar Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan. Borang soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen bagi tujuan pengumpulan data. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 21.0. Hasil analisis didapati tahap penggunaan m-pembelajaran dalam kalangan pelajar adalah tinggi. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan m-pembelajaran seperti persepsi kebergunaan (Perceived Usefulness - PU) dan persepsi mudah digunakan (Perceived Ease of Use-PEOU) berada pada tahap tinggi. Manakala sikap pelajar terhadap penggunaan m-pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran sangat positif. Dapatan kajian ini berguna kepada pensyarah serta pentadbir politeknik dalam meningkatkan penggunaan m-pembelajaran dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran

    Developing a Leadership Capability for Team Leaders in the Construction Industry: A Concept for Organizational Success

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     Capable leaders are essential to unlock the potential of workforce, in terms of productivity, learning, continuous improvement, quality and customer service. This study was conducted to ascertain the Malaysian construction industry leaders’ conception of leadership capability. One of the mandates of Malaysia’s Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) is to serve as a gateway for construction industry players to get involved in the international construction ventures, with the aim of enabling them to hold leadership positions in the future; as well as maintaining an open exchange of information with construction leaders worldwide. However, for a better understanding of leadership concepts and leadership skills, construction industry in Malaysia must unleash its potential as a source of wealth creation and provide opportunity for the betterment of quality of life. In ensuring the quality of workmanship at construction sites, leadership skills especially supervisory skill for site supervisors need to be enhanced. Undoubtedly, the role of research in determining the specific leadership skills and the needed core capabilities cannot be over-emphasized. In this study, qualitative research design with in-depth interview was used to collect the data and purposeful sampling was employed in selecting 15 research participants involving team leaders and human resource managers. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis with the aid of NVivo. Effective leadership has been found to be vital element in construction industry. The opinions from the respondents also indicate that they have knowledge on leadership and they had to enhance themselves with the elements in the concept to enable them to become better and more competitive leaders. Leaders in construction industry have a broad knowledge in technical skills conversely have fewer non-technical skills especially in leadership

    Penilaian tahap kemahiran pengurusan kelas dan motivasi guru pelatih pelajar Sarjana Muda FPTV, UTHM

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    Kemahiran pengurusan kelas dan motivasi guru pelatih memainkan peranan terutama sebagai persediaan menjadi guru sebelum melangkah ke dunia pendidik

    Pendekatan coaching dalam meningkatkan prestasi pekerja dalam organisasi di Malaysia

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    Program coaching di organisasi telah lama bertapak di Malaysia, namun begitu, kajian mengenai coaching masih pada tahap yang rendah. Setiap pekerja mempunyai bakat yang berbeza dan tertentu. Terdapat pelbagai cara dan kaedah dalam menyerlahkan bakat seseorang. Salah satu daripada kaedah-kaedah adalah melalui bimbingan pembimbing. Dengan nasihat dan pandangan daripada pembimbing, pekerja dapat menyerlahkan bakat dalam kerja yang diberikan, seterusnya melahirkan pekerja yang berkemahiran tinggi. Kajian ini adalah membincangkan mengenai pendekatan coaching dalam organisasi di Malaysia bagi meningkatkan prestasi pekerja. Setiap pekerja mempunyai set kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang berbeza apabila memasuki bidang pekerjaan. Pihak organisasi perlu melantik pembimbing yang sesuai yang akan ditugaskan untuk membantu pekerja menyesuaikan diri pada tempat yang baru. Mereka juga perlu membimbing pekerja mendapatkan set kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan di dalam unit yang baru agar bersesuaian dengan tugasan yang diberikan

    The Potential of Using Augmented Reality (AR) Technology as Learning Material in TVET

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    In the field of education today, people can choose from a variety of ways and methods to acquire specific information and skills; here are some good examples: classroom lectures with textbooks, computers, hand-held devices, and other electronics appliances such as tablets and smartphones. In a rapidly changing society, there are countless sources of knowledge and a great deal of available information; hence, adopting an appropriate method and applying relevant information at the right time and place are important in both schools and business settings. The augmented reality (AR) technology is one of the most advanced developments in the education sector tailored for 21st Century learning. With so much to offer, it is worthwhile to investigate the potential of integrating AR into the teaching-learning processes. This study focuses on exploring the possibility of merging TVET learning materials with the AR technology; the survey was carried out among the lecturers to gauge their knowledge and perception of AR as well as the relationship between the two elements. This quantitative study includes randomly selected samples of 230 lecturers from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The respondents were given a questionnaire to answer. The SPSS version 22 software package was used to analyse the data collected. Overall, the mean score indicates that the lecturers' knowledge level for AR technology is high. The lecturers also have a positive perception of using AR as a tool to incorporate and present the learning materials. Finally, this study discovers that there is a positive relationship between the lecturers’ information about AR and their perception of using AR as a vehicle to deliver the learning materials. AR is expected to achieve widespread adoption in schools, universities and colleges,  TVET and other higher learning institutions. Therefore, this study may be useful to the developers and providers of augmented reality solutions, end users of these solutions, teachers and students, and the experimenting digital communities.&nbsp

    The role of government towards sea nomads life well-being

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    The level of community well-being was an indicator used to measure a nation’s development. Similarly, it can be utilised as an indicator for Batam District. Rapid development caused the entire Batam community to experience change, especially socioeconomically where the Sea Nomads community is concerned. Traditional fishing remains as the sole income generation activity for this community, thus proving it difficult for this community to attain a good prosperity level. The objective of this research is to determine the extent of government’s role in shaping the level of prosperity in the lives of the Sea Nomads community. This study, which is conducted through survey using distribution of questionnaires, determined that the role of the government towards the prosperity level of the Sea Nomads community is average. It is suggested that the government investigates the aspect of community needs before conducting various empowerment programmes. Exposure to the latest approach and hands-on skills must also be provided to the community to promote creativity in heightening the prosperity of their lives, especially socially and economically